Thursday 3 April 2014

Brainstorm of possible room ideas

Bubble Wrap room: bubble wrap is very symbolic to me as it represents my childhood growing up in a tight knit, sheltered community. I have never properly been exposed to the harshness of the real world. 
A bubble wrap room inside of a room

A sihuette of a person (myself) trying to push through plastic film. The purpose of this space is to represent the feeling of almost successfully reaching outside of your comfort zone as well as a representation of the feeling of desperateness as well as hopefulness to reach personal excellence.

May incorporate a mosaic 

A tread mill floor and a convex mirror

A section of a room with a single light bulb and mirror underneath it.

Lighting ideas

Sketch of room

Plan and section of a room with a glass roof filled with water and lights to reflect around the room. The lights will create a sunset effect

A giant bed room

A tevaivai room

An perspective elevation and elevation of door ideas

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